INNOCISE, based in Saarland, is a spin-off of the world-renowned Leibniz Institute for New Materials. The company has established itself internationally as a technology leader for reversible adhesive systems.
Founded: May 27, 2019
Clients: 50+

“Green” and energy-free gripping systems are our mission. With our bio-inspired handling solutions we replace cost- and resource-intensive (suction) grippers and enable the customer a versatile application spectrum for the automation of tomorrow – without cables, electronics, compressed air and the necessary peripherals: from pick&place of smallest microLEDs to fuel cell production and clean room applications to installation of side windows of trains.

Join our team!
We are always looking for people who can bring enthusiasm and fresh perspectives to our team.
If that’s you, then the chances are you’d thrive at INNOCISE and we’d love to hear from you.
Send us your application and start your journey!
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