Green and efficient
We turn robots into geckos

INNOCISE develops bio-inspired gripping solutions
for challenging automation processes

Gecomer® Technology

Based on Gecomer® Technology, INNOCISE produces special polymers capable of handling components from several meters to less than 10 microns with the highest precision and maximum efficiency. Inspired by the so-called Gecko effect, picking and placing of the component works without external energy and without any residues – by using van der Waals interactions.


“Green” and energy-free gripping systems are our mission. With our bio-inspired handling solutions we replace cost- and resource-intensive (suction) grippers and enable the customer a versatile application spectrum for the automation of tomorrow – without cables, electronics, compressed air and the necessary peripherals: from pick&place of smallest microLEDs to fuel cell production and clean room applications to installation of side windows of trains.

CO2 Footprint Reduction

by energy-free handling without compressed air infrastructure

New Automation Opportunities

in challenging environments such as clean rooms and vacuum production

Handling Fragile Objects
or Surfaces

from μm2 up to m2

Application of the Technology

Handling of Microscopic Devices

Micro Lenses · Optical Fibers · LEDs · Optoelectronic Chips · Microscopic Devices

Handling of Macroscopic Devices

Fuel Cell and Battery · Optics and Display · Life Science · Electronics · Packaging

Publicly Funded Research Projects

First development of a bio-inspired innovative gripping system for battery and fuel cell manufacturing with new materials (InnoMat).

The main content of the InnoMat project includes the development and characterization of Gecomer® Technology for use in battery and fuel cell manufacturing, as well as the process integration of Gecomer® technology. Through bio-inspired INNOvative gripping, battery manufacturing and production of fuel cell components will be revolutionized with new MATerials – InnoMat. The project is supported with funds from the special fund “for coping with the financial consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic” in the amount of up to 160,043.70 euros by the State Chancellery of Saarland.